Glitcher Slasherrrr (1bit Game Jam Submission)

Glither Slasherrr, my submission to the 1bit game Jam, where you can only use two colors. A game where you control a sword... You can dash, swing, and shoot bullets killing enemies. Burn some time on the game and have fun!!!
- Space to Dash, F to shoot bullet, Left Click to swing sword. - kill as many monsters as you can without dying. Mobs chase you around but you get powerups that make the game slightly easier as time progresses, however... the mobs become more frequent too!
I found this Game Jam with around 4 days left, and also I've only been learning Unity for around two months so sorry for any bugs or a game that just wasn't to your liking 😔I do have a youtube channel link over here :0
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